Wednesday, October 20, 2010

jump, dance, study!

in the past week...
have i persuaded mores students to take my class?
- yup & i have 3 more 6th graders now :)
have i jumped off a building?
- yes! sky jumped off woobang tower (123 m) :D
have i been to the library?
- almost every night! studying&working on my presentation
have i eaten breakfast at the cafeteria?
- yes! it isnt too hard to wake up for breakfast if you dont sleep in the first place...
have i eaten midnight snacks?
- more like midnight meals -___- totally necessary though lol
have i given a presentation?
- yes, at the TaLK reception! glad it was entertaining hehe
have i danced in front of audience?
- yes;;; glad this was entertaining as well haha
and have i taken my midterms?
- yes! just finished history of korea & speech&korean test isnt till next week!

i'm finally uploading videos and rest of pics on fb now!
i have to clean my room for once now so no cultural post today..
BUT! i'm going to busan this weekend! for the fireworks festival yay yayy

by the way, thank you mucho lots of c.y. for the awesome handwritten letter!
& my familia for the care package :D
hopefully ill reply back soon!!

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